Why Extraweave?

An amalgamation of technological advantage, superior quality, and design innovations has made EWPL a preferred supplier for buyers across the globe. EWPL strictly complies with all statutory and social compliance as per international standards and is subject to regular audits by international agencies. Extraweave’s commitment to our user community extends beyond delivering the most complete and integrated – it pairs our products with exceptional service and support. Our successes are determined by the skills, dedication, and involvement of people who are passionate about providing and catering to the niche market. At Extraweave it’s not only business, we believe that building a better tomorrow is everyone’s responsibility. We employ local women and conduct skill training programs for them and empower their lives. Our motto for building a better tomorrow has led us to form the KVM Trust. A major social welfare organization that patronizes, among a host of other charitable institutions, a free school for children with special needs, a free drug & alcohol de-addiction center, a free pain, and palliative center, a nursing school and an engineering & information technology college.